Friday, December 9, 2011

Why are we here?

As a relatively new resident of OWD (Old West Durham for the uninitiated), a historic and rapidly evolving urban neighborhood in Durham that is home to the well-known Ninth Street Shopping District, I was surprised to notice the dearth of local micro-blogging scene. As much as Durham is a foodie town with thriving and multiple blogs about food, there are very few -- and most are rarely updated -- blogs about economic development, crime, politics and all other aspects of  life in this city. I envision this blog as an aggregator of stories, centered around the Ninth Street district, for news junkies like myself who want a one-stop for all local news in one place


  1. If you are new than you probably missed out on Bull City Rising, which had been essential daily reading - for those very topics you mentioned- until author Kevin got busy with renovating a house and other personal issues. Few other bloggers bothered to compete with this one-man micronews wrecking machine.

  2. Andrew, thank you for reading. I am very familiar with Bull City Rising and, in fact, one of the reasons I picked up blogging was because Kevin stopped his excellent reporting. My focus is more geographically limited which, I hope, will allow me to keep a more consistent posting schedule. The goal is really to provide the OWD and WH communities with a one-shop place for all the news around those neighborhoods.
