Thursday, March 15, 2012

Harris Teeter on Ninth Street - images of the proposed design

The developers behind the proposed Harris Teeter on Ninth Street have had a rough few weeks. First, the neighborhood listservs exploded about the underhanded way in which the proposed development was filed with the City Planning Committee just a week before the new, more pedestrian friendly, city ordinance went into effect. In addition to lack of notice, people were upset about the car-centric suburban design of the store and how it will affect the character of the neighborhood.

Second, the Herald Sun followed up with less than flattering article about the Harris Teeter plan in which all the main stakeholders behind the plan summarily stonewalled the paper refusing to comment on any aspect of the development or design of the new store.

Next, a series of four letters to the editor excoriated Harris Teeter developers for failing to provide even the most basic urban amenities such as sidewalks, implement traffic calming measures, or work with the community on building a store that fits organically into the neighborhood cityscape.

In the meantime, the sign of HT's impending arrival has mysteriously disappeared. So what will the new store look like, assuming HT gets it way?

This is the areal view of the new store.
The front of the store will be overlooking Ninth Street across from a 200+ parking lot

The rear will be facing the existing Station Nine apartment complex, across the street from Erwin Sq.
The right side, which features some fake windows will be facing Hillsborough Road

The left side will overlook yet-to-be built Circle Nine Apartment Complex

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